• The Billabong

The Value of Beauty


The more time that passes, the more I am convinced of the importance of beauty in our lives. Not only does the appreciation of beauty bring us so much positive – peace, joy, wonder and more – but it helps us to be better people too. Happier people. Kinder people. More thoughtful. More careful and caring.

There is much in the world that can be overwhelming, distressing, unpleasant or frightening. Yet it is precisely when things seem darkest that we most need to notice, and really take in, what beauty there is: for the sake of our inner peace; our sanity; our very humanity.

I’ve realised that my life works best when I am appreciating and sharing what is beautiful. Therefore a big part of my intention for this website is for it to be a place to share some things I find beautiful, awe-inspiring and thought-provoking, with you.

I hope your journey here brings you much joy and inspiration.

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